Words - Timelines

2007-09-03 decadent: something or someone exhibiting the qualities of an age that is on the decline
2007-08-20 a dream: While waking, I saw lots of people on top of South Mountain (Phoenix AZ). They were looking out on the water that had surrounded the mountain and was at least three-fourths up the mountain. It seemed there was a rock formation like the wings of a phoenix bird to the center-right of where I was, and peering between the wings you could see the city of Phoenix covered with water.
2007-07-14 a dream: I had this dream twice, waking between: There was a little farm house in a little green valley, that sat up against the side of a mountain. It, or its occupant was brought into court periodically, and each time it was favored with higher honors.
2007-07-08 alacrity: eager willingness or readiness manifested by quick, lively action
2007-04-29 exuberant: full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy; lavish, overflowing
2007-03-09 impetuous: impulsively vehement in feeling
2007-01-27 brackish: containing some salt, briny, distasteful, unpalatable; Some of His ways may seem brackish to us...but when we really get to know Him, we can understand why.
2006-12-18 6:00 am - "Extrapolate": statistics to estimate or infer a value, quantity, etc. beyond the known range - on the basis of certain variables within the known range from which the estimated value is assumed to follow; to arrive at conclusions or results by hypothesizing from known facts or observations; to speculate as to consequences on the basis of known facts or observations. Other forms of the word: extrapolation (noun), extrapolative (adj.), extrapolator (noun).
2006-06-26 altruistic, altruism: concern for the welfare of others as opposed to egoism
2006-06-26 Upon waking during the night - "all you who forget God"
2006-06-09 paleontology: a science that deals with the chronology of the history of the earth; (and for the concerns of this book: using not fossils, - but relics such as ancient bronze plaques, etc.)
2006-06-06 stimuli: things that incite or quicken action, feeling, thought, etc. The Lord was giving me stimuli that incited me to write a book about some things Michael had convinced me-of.
2006-06-05 Early am - woke several times saying "He's still not in the cloud, He's still not in the rain; but He's still in the Still, Small Voice." Then at 5:55 my car horn gave two short honks; it was parked in the garage.
2006-05-27 woke up saying, "I have been experimenting with an open mind, every day." For nearly 30 years, I had been in 'churches' that had strict rules and standards; but my children, seeing my love for truth could see through the facade of organized religion, and had gone out on their own, to find truth for themselves.One daughter had been emotionally hurt, - being dishonestly used by their leaders. Then I found in holy scripture, where the Apostle Paul said these things were an outward show, and the worship of one's own will. So I stopped fellowshipping with them.
2006-02-16 woke up saying: "The one we knew turned right; the man and his Loonan turned left."
2004-06-26 "nomenclature": a system of names used in an art or science; all the properties that make up a person's or organization's physical and/or spiritual being
2004-06-24 extrapolate: to estimate or infer a value, from known facts
2004-05-16 Early this Sunday morning I woke saying "The burden of Chicago and of North Carolina."
2000-04-19 Woke up saying: Every time the tide is turned for His People, He heareth prayer.
1999-07-27 interferon: any of various proteins produced by virus-infected cells, that inhibit reproduction of the invading virus; and induce resistance to further infection. Our bodies can heal themselves.
1999-06-04 juxtaposition: The act or instance of placing two or more objects in a close spacial or ideal relationship <The juxtaposition of abstract with concrete; of the homely with the far-fetched.- C.S. Lewis>
1999-03-05 woke up saying: Why fool around making jellies and jams, when Kroger's can do just as good. In other words, The Lord was saying He has more important things for me to do.
1999-01-08 a dream: I was standing with friends and family, on the edge of a hill. We were standing abreast watching the ocean. The water was now covering land we had just come from, and it was as if God had told us we'd be safe there on the hill. As we watched, the waves began coming toward us...just small waves. They got larger, and were like the tide rolling in toward us. Finally, the waves were so tall that they began rolling over us, and we got wet; but that's all. It swept over us once or twice, & that's all I remember of the dream.
1998-01-03 The Word has become increasingly alive, and I'm noticing lots of small details I had before passed-over.
1997-07-07 sequestering: being alone and secluded

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